Wednesday, January 31, 2007
The Most Powerful Muscle-Building Tool Available
The Most Powerful Muscle-Building
Tool Available
The muscle-building debates will never end. The endless arguments over how an effective muscle-building program should be structured will most likely continue until the end of time. Just scour the Internet message boards, flip through any muscle magazine or talk to the sales rep at your local supplement store. No matter who you talk to or what you read, it seems that everyone is an expert these days.
If everyone is an expert, confident in their own ideas and beliefs, how can the average beginner possibly know who to listen to? He or she is instantly confronted with endless questions that seem to have no clear-cut answer.
How many days should I train per week? How many sets should I perform for each muscle group? What type of rep range should I be using? What are the most effective exercises for stimulating muscle growth? How long should my workouts last?
Believe me, there are answers to these important questions, and if you are willing to put in the time and effort you will most definitely find them. But that’s not what this article is about.
You see, amidst all of the confusion and endless debating, the majority of lifters end up losing sight of the big picture. Beyond all of the specific workout principles, such as rep range and exercise selection, remains one crucial principle, a principle that lies at the very heart of the muscle growth process. If this principle is not given full attention, or even worse, completely ignored, building muscle becomes next to impossible.
The bottom line is that muscles grow as they adapt to stress. When you go to the gym and lift weights, you create “micro-tears” within the muscle tissue. Your body perceives this as a potential threat to its survival and reacts accordingly by increasing the size and strength of the muscle fibers in order to protect against a possible future “attack”.
Therefore, in order to continually increase the size and strength of the muscles, you must focus on progressing each week on all of your exercises by either lifting slightly more weight or performing an extra rep or two. In doing this, your body will continue to adapt and grow to the ever-increasing stress.
Building muscle is all about building strength!
So what is the most powerful muscle-building tool available?
Quite simply, it is a pen and a piece of paper!
The specifics of building muscle are important to understand and implement, but regardless of what style of training you’re currently using the ultimate deciding factor between success and failure is progression.
You can sit around all day obsessing over specific principles, but the bottom line is that if you aren’t getting stronger every week, you absolutely will not be getting any bigger.
Examine your training approach closely. If you haven’t been paying laser-like attention to the amount of weight you’ve been using, the number of reps you’ve been performing, and then striving with every ounce of your energy to improve upon those numbers each week, you are completely ignoring the very foundation of the muscle growth process.
If you want to see the best gains in muscle mass and strength that you possibly can, a pen and a piece of paper is the most important tool you could possibly have in your arsenal.
Once you've accepted and implemented this basic rule of building muscle, you can then move on and learn about the specific principles of how to structure an effective workout. Visit my website using the link below if you want to learn more...
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding expert, fitness author and writer of top-selling Internet Bodybuilding E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. If you want to learn how to build the greatest amount of lean muscle mass and strength possible in the shortest period of time, visit his website:
Tool Available
The muscle-building debates will never end. The endless arguments over how an effective muscle-building program should be structured will most likely continue until the end of time. Just scour the Internet message boards, flip through any muscle magazine or talk to the sales rep at your local supplement store. No matter who you talk to or what you read, it seems that everyone is an expert these days.
If everyone is an expert, confident in their own ideas and beliefs, how can the average beginner possibly know who to listen to? He or she is instantly confronted with endless questions that seem to have no clear-cut answer.
How many days should I train per week? How many sets should I perform for each muscle group? What type of rep range should I be using? What are the most effective exercises for stimulating muscle growth? How long should my workouts last?
Believe me, there are answers to these important questions, and if you are willing to put in the time and effort you will most definitely find them. But that’s not what this article is about.
You see, amidst all of the confusion and endless debating, the majority of lifters end up losing sight of the big picture. Beyond all of the specific workout principles, such as rep range and exercise selection, remains one crucial principle, a principle that lies at the very heart of the muscle growth process. If this principle is not given full attention, or even worse, completely ignored, building muscle becomes next to impossible.
The bottom line is that muscles grow as they adapt to stress. When you go to the gym and lift weights, you create “micro-tears” within the muscle tissue. Your body perceives this as a potential threat to its survival and reacts accordingly by increasing the size and strength of the muscle fibers in order to protect against a possible future “attack”.
Therefore, in order to continually increase the size and strength of the muscles, you must focus on progressing each week on all of your exercises by either lifting slightly more weight or performing an extra rep or two. In doing this, your body will continue to adapt and grow to the ever-increasing stress.
Building muscle is all about building strength!
So what is the most powerful muscle-building tool available?
Quite simply, it is a pen and a piece of paper!
The specifics of building muscle are important to understand and implement, but regardless of what style of training you’re currently using the ultimate deciding factor between success and failure is progression.
You can sit around all day obsessing over specific principles, but the bottom line is that if you aren’t getting stronger every week, you absolutely will not be getting any bigger.
Examine your training approach closely. If you haven’t been paying laser-like attention to the amount of weight you’ve been using, the number of reps you’ve been performing, and then striving with every ounce of your energy to improve upon those numbers each week, you are completely ignoring the very foundation of the muscle growth process.
If you want to see the best gains in muscle mass and strength that you possibly can, a pen and a piece of paper is the most important tool you could possibly have in your arsenal.
Once you've accepted and implemented this basic rule of building muscle, you can then move on and learn about the specific principles of how to structure an effective workout. Visit my website using the link below if you want to learn more...
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding expert, fitness author and writer of top-selling Internet Bodybuilding E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. If you want to learn how to build the greatest amount of lean muscle mass and strength possible in the shortest period of time, visit his website:
How To Build A Ripped, Rock-Solid Chest
How To Build A Ripped,
Rock-Solid Chest
Everyone wants a huge chest, plain and simple. It is all too common to see inexperienced lifters slaving away on endless sets of bench presses and cable crossovers in search of full, thick pecs. The reality is that there is nothing complicated about building an impressive chest. The bottom line for huge chest gains is consistency, effort and steady progression in weight and repetitions.
To stimulate the chest using weights you will be using one of two motions: a press or a flye. If you want the greatest bang for your buck from your chest workouts, the true gains lie in your pressing movements.
Flyes may have their place from time to time, but nothing can compare to the overall anabolic effect of high intensity pressing movements. I’m talking about the basic, bread-and-butter lifts such as heavy barbell presses, dumbbell presses and wide-grip dips.
There are no secrets, magic formulas or killer techniques that will "shock" your chest into massive growth. Stick to your basic presses, focus on overload and progression, and I promise that you will see impressive gains.
Here are the most effective lifts for packing muscle onto the chest:
Flat/Incline/Decline Barbell Bench Press:
A standard barbell press is the meat and potatoes of any effective chest routine. This basic compound movement will allow you to handle the most weight through the given range of motion. The incline press will shift more of the stress to the upper region of the chest while the decline does the opposite, targeting the lower/outer region. The flat bench press works the upper and lower regions equally. I highly recommend a standard barbell press as a basic component of your chest routine.
Flat/Incline/Decline Dumbbell Press:
Dumbbell presses are another basic and highly effective movement for stimulating chest development. The main advantage that they have over the barbell is that they allow you to move through a more natural range of motion, helping to prevent shoulder injuries. They also prevent strength imbalances from occurring since one arm can't cheat for the other. The only drawback is that you are not able to handle as much weight. In any case, a standard dumbbell press is an awesome movement that allows for great chest stimulation.
Wide-Grip Dips:
An amazing movement for the chest that is often overlooked. Make sure to use a wider grip and lean forward to shift the stress from the triceps onto the pectorals. If pressing your own body weight is not sufficient then you can always add resistance using a weight belt. Dips are an excellent compound movement for overall chest development.
Here are a couple sample chest routines:
1) Flat Barbell Bench Press: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
Wide-Grip Dips: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
2) Incline Barbell Bench Press: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
Wide-Grip Dips: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
Flat Dumbbell Press: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
All sets should stay within the 5-7 rep range and should be taken to complete muscular failure. Write down the details of each workout you perform and focus on progressing in either weight or reps from week to week.
To learn about the proper methods for training all of your other muscle groups, visit my website by clicking the link below. You can gain instant access to a complete online video lesson series outlining the most effective techniques in detail.
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding expert, fitness author and writer of top-selling Internet Bodybuilding E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. If you want to learn how to build the greatest amount of lean muscle mass and strength possible in the shortest period of time, visit his website:www.musclegaintruth.com
Rock-Solid Chest
Everyone wants a huge chest, plain and simple. It is all too common to see inexperienced lifters slaving away on endless sets of bench presses and cable crossovers in search of full, thick pecs. The reality is that there is nothing complicated about building an impressive chest. The bottom line for huge chest gains is consistency, effort and steady progression in weight and repetitions.
To stimulate the chest using weights you will be using one of two motions: a press or a flye. If you want the greatest bang for your buck from your chest workouts, the true gains lie in your pressing movements.
Flyes may have their place from time to time, but nothing can compare to the overall anabolic effect of high intensity pressing movements. I’m talking about the basic, bread-and-butter lifts such as heavy barbell presses, dumbbell presses and wide-grip dips.
There are no secrets, magic formulas or killer techniques that will "shock" your chest into massive growth. Stick to your basic presses, focus on overload and progression, and I promise that you will see impressive gains.
Here are the most effective lifts for packing muscle onto the chest:
Flat/Incline/Decline Barbell Bench Press:
A standard barbell press is the meat and potatoes of any effective chest routine. This basic compound movement will allow you to handle the most weight through the given range of motion. The incline press will shift more of the stress to the upper region of the chest while the decline does the opposite, targeting the lower/outer region. The flat bench press works the upper and lower regions equally. I highly recommend a standard barbell press as a basic component of your chest routine.
Flat/Incline/Decline Dumbbell Press:
Dumbbell presses are another basic and highly effective movement for stimulating chest development. The main advantage that they have over the barbell is that they allow you to move through a more natural range of motion, helping to prevent shoulder injuries. They also prevent strength imbalances from occurring since one arm can't cheat for the other. The only drawback is that you are not able to handle as much weight. In any case, a standard dumbbell press is an awesome movement that allows for great chest stimulation.
Wide-Grip Dips:
An amazing movement for the chest that is often overlooked. Make sure to use a wider grip and lean forward to shift the stress from the triceps onto the pectorals. If pressing your own body weight is not sufficient then you can always add resistance using a weight belt. Dips are an excellent compound movement for overall chest development.
Here are a couple sample chest routines:
1) Flat Barbell Bench Press: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
Wide-Grip Dips: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
2) Incline Barbell Bench Press: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
Wide-Grip Dips: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
Flat Dumbbell Press: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
All sets should stay within the 5-7 rep range and should be taken to complete muscular failure. Write down the details of each workout you perform and focus on progressing in either weight or reps from week to week.
To learn about the proper methods for training all of your other muscle groups, visit my website by clicking the link below. You can gain instant access to a complete online video lesson series outlining the most effective techniques in detail.
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding expert, fitness author and writer of top-selling Internet Bodybuilding E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. If you want to learn how to build the greatest amount of lean muscle mass and strength possible in the shortest period of time, visit his website:www.musclegaintruth.com
You Ain't Squat 'Till You SQUAT!
You Ain't Squat 'Till You SQUAT!
Simply put, squats are the most difficult, intimidating and painful exercise you could possibly have in your arsenal. They require massive amounts of discipline and willpower to perform correctly. After you have performed a set of squats to failure, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. They are also a challenging exercise to master from a technical standpoint.
All this aside, squats are one of, if not THE most effective, growth-producing exercises you could possibly include in your workout routine. They will pack more size and strength onto your lower body than any other exercise out there, and due to their high level of difficulty, they also force your body to release higher amounts of important anabolic hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone. This increased secretion of hormones will pack muscle size onto your entire upper body as well.
In addition, squats cause what is known as a "spillover effect": a strength gain in almost all of your other exercises. When I started squatting to failure, my bench press virtually increased by 20 pounds overnight. If you're looking for serious muscle gains and you don't already squat, you'd better get started.
Quite simply, they really, really work.
Unfortunately, many people have yet to experience the benefits of heavy squatting. It seems that people will come up with just about any excuse they possibly can in order to steer clear form the squat rack.
How many times have you heard the all too common "They're too hard on my knees", or "I heard they stunt your growth." What do I say to that? Nonsense!
If you're in the gym with the goal of maximizing your total body muscle gains, squats are an absolute must.
Proper Squatting Technique
For safety reasons you should always perform your squats in a power rack or cage. This way you can adjust the height at which you clear the bar, and you can drop the bar on the safety pins if you need to bail. The safety pins should be set at just below the depth you are squatting and the J Hooks should be set at about the level of your nipples.
At all times during the squat your head should be pulled back, your chest raised and you should have a slight arch in your lower back. You should always be looking straight ahead, and at no time should you be leaning too far forward, or be looking up or down.
Step up to the bar, placing your hands at about the same width as a bench press. Before clearing the bar, make sure it is placed evenly along your traps. The bar should rest on the lower portion of your traps and across your rear delts. It should almost feel as if the bar is going to roll off your back.
Now that you have cleared the bar, take only as many steps back as necessary. Most squat injuries occur when backing up, so make sure that you only back up as far as you need to. Your feet should be placed about shoulder width apart or slightly wider, and they should point out at a 45-degree angle.
Take a big, deep breath, and make your descent. You should not lower yourself straight down, but rather as if you were sitting in a chair behind you. At all times your knee must remain in line with your feet, and they should never bow in. Lower yourself until your thighs are at least parallel to the ground.
As soon as you have reached the bottom position, rise up immediately. Do not relax in the bottom position! Drive up with your heels and straighten your back as quickly as possible.
Once you are in the upright position again, take another deep breath, and continue the lift until you have completed the desired number of reps.
Final Thoughts
You have all the reason in the world to get into the squat rack, so go ahead and do it. Treat this lift with respect and you'll be shocked at the resulting muscle gains. I would recommend performing your squats once per week, for 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps. Focus on pushing yourself hard on this exercise and continually strive for more weight and more reps.
To learn about more highly effective, growth-producing exercises that you can include in your routine, visit my website by clicking the link below. Most trainees have no idea how to pick and choose the proper exercises and they dramatically limit their gains as a result...
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding expert, fitness author and writer of top-selling Internet Bodybuilding E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. If you want to learn how to build the greatest amount of lean muscle mass and strength possible in the shortest period of time, visit his website: www.musclegaintruth.com
Simply put, squats are the most difficult, intimidating and painful exercise you could possibly have in your arsenal. They require massive amounts of discipline and willpower to perform correctly. After you have performed a set of squats to failure, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. They are also a challenging exercise to master from a technical standpoint.
All this aside, squats are one of, if not THE most effective, growth-producing exercises you could possibly include in your workout routine. They will pack more size and strength onto your lower body than any other exercise out there, and due to their high level of difficulty, they also force your body to release higher amounts of important anabolic hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone. This increased secretion of hormones will pack muscle size onto your entire upper body as well.
In addition, squats cause what is known as a "spillover effect": a strength gain in almost all of your other exercises. When I started squatting to failure, my bench press virtually increased by 20 pounds overnight. If you're looking for serious muscle gains and you don't already squat, you'd better get started.
Quite simply, they really, really work.
Unfortunately, many people have yet to experience the benefits of heavy squatting. It seems that people will come up with just about any excuse they possibly can in order to steer clear form the squat rack.
How many times have you heard the all too common "They're too hard on my knees", or "I heard they stunt your growth." What do I say to that? Nonsense!
If you're in the gym with the goal of maximizing your total body muscle gains, squats are an absolute must.
Proper Squatting Technique
For safety reasons you should always perform your squats in a power rack or cage. This way you can adjust the height at which you clear the bar, and you can drop the bar on the safety pins if you need to bail. The safety pins should be set at just below the depth you are squatting and the J Hooks should be set at about the level of your nipples.
At all times during the squat your head should be pulled back, your chest raised and you should have a slight arch in your lower back. You should always be looking straight ahead, and at no time should you be leaning too far forward, or be looking up or down.
Step up to the bar, placing your hands at about the same width as a bench press. Before clearing the bar, make sure it is placed evenly along your traps. The bar should rest on the lower portion of your traps and across your rear delts. It should almost feel as if the bar is going to roll off your back.
Now that you have cleared the bar, take only as many steps back as necessary. Most squat injuries occur when backing up, so make sure that you only back up as far as you need to. Your feet should be placed about shoulder width apart or slightly wider, and they should point out at a 45-degree angle.
Take a big, deep breath, and make your descent. You should not lower yourself straight down, but rather as if you were sitting in a chair behind you. At all times your knee must remain in line with your feet, and they should never bow in. Lower yourself until your thighs are at least parallel to the ground.
As soon as you have reached the bottom position, rise up immediately. Do not relax in the bottom position! Drive up with your heels and straighten your back as quickly as possible.
Once you are in the upright position again, take another deep breath, and continue the lift until you have completed the desired number of reps.
Final Thoughts
You have all the reason in the world to get into the squat rack, so go ahead and do it. Treat this lift with respect and you'll be shocked at the resulting muscle gains. I would recommend performing your squats once per week, for 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps. Focus on pushing yourself hard on this exercise and continually strive for more weight and more reps.
To learn about more highly effective, growth-producing exercises that you can include in your routine, visit my website by clicking the link below. Most trainees have no idea how to pick and choose the proper exercises and they dramatically limit their gains as a result...
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding expert, fitness author and writer of top-selling Internet Bodybuilding E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. If you want to learn how to build the greatest amount of lean muscle mass and strength possible in the shortest period of time, visit his website: www.musclegaintruth.com
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007
A Critical Bodybuilding Truth:No Journey Is Perfect
A Critical Bodybuilding Truth:No Journey Is Perfect
I'm a perfectionist.
When I want something done, I want it done right. I want to pour all of my focused effort into it until it's perfect and without flaws.
When something goes wrong, I get frustrated. I'll still be willing to work hard at it, but when things don't go exactly as planned it can drive me crazy.
After years and years of serious and consistent training in the gym, I've realized that this way of thinking can be disastrous for a natural bodybuilder.
If you're serious about achieving a strong, muscular physique, leave your perfectionist attitude at the door. Perfectionism does not exist in bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is not a project that you work hard on for a set amount of time, finish, and then sit back and admire.
Bodybuilding is an ongoing, lifelong process filled with ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks, peaks and recessions. You're never finished working. There is no point B. It takes hard, focused effort to build muscle, and it takes hard, focused effort to maintain it.
Hard work in the gym and dedication to your eating plan is a continual price you must pay in exchange for the dream body you want to build or maintain.
So if you're getting ready to begin a bodybuilding program or have been training for some time now, you must sit back and make some realizations about your awaiting/continuing journey.
You must realize that no journey is perfect.
If you're expecting to eat and train consistently without any problems or setbacks, you're in for a huge disappointment. Those who expect perfection from their programs are doomed for frustration, because a perfect program does not exist.
This is one of the fine lines that separates the champions from the wannabes; the line that separates those who experience long term success from those who die and fall off along the way. You must treat your setbacks as an inevitable part of the entire muscle-building process.
Sometimes you'll be at your peak and will be marching your way to new grounds of success, and other times your progress will be receding and moving backwards because of various factors, many of which will be beyond your control.
All kinds of bumps in the road will present themselves along the way…
There will be times when you catch a cold or flu and lose 10 pounds.
There will be times when you go on vacation and have limited access to a gym or to proper bodybuilding foods.
There will be times where you are struck down with an injury and will have to take time away from the gym.
There will be times where you skip meals.
There will be times where you skip workouts.
There will be times when you give in to temptations that will harm your bodybuilding progress.
There will be times when your motivation dips down and you'll question your entire purpose and whether or not the whole bodybuilding thing is even worth it.
This is the reality of it all, and as a serious natural bodybuilder for many years I can say with certainty that all of the above scenarios have presented themselves to me on many, many occasions.
The difference between a successful bodybuilder and an unsuccessful one is in the way that they handle adversity.
Both your progress and motivation will rise and fall along the way, but will you make a stand and accept these swings for what they are, and continue training hard despite them? Or will you piss and pout and toss in the towel when things don't go your way?
You must accept that no journey is perfect. You are a human being, and you will make blunders along the way.
Whether or not you choose to accept and implement this way of thinking will make the difference between long term success and failure.
Successful lifters get thrown into holes and dig themselves out. Unsuccessful lifters get discouraged and remain buried.
After years and years of training, I've seen more people come and go in the gym than I could possibly begin to count. But despite this, I'm still here.
Will you be?
If you've got what it takes to make a stand and take control of your body, visit my website below for details on how you can accomplish this as quickly and efficiently as possible using a simple, step-by-step system I've devised over many years of successful training in the gym…
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding expert, fitness author and writer of top-selling Internet Bodybuilding E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. If you want to learn how to build maximum lean muscle mass and strength as quickly as possible, visit his
I'm a perfectionist.
When I want something done, I want it done right. I want to pour all of my focused effort into it until it's perfect and without flaws.
When something goes wrong, I get frustrated. I'll still be willing to work hard at it, but when things don't go exactly as planned it can drive me crazy.
After years and years of serious and consistent training in the gym, I've realized that this way of thinking can be disastrous for a natural bodybuilder.
If you're serious about achieving a strong, muscular physique, leave your perfectionist attitude at the door. Perfectionism does not exist in bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is not a project that you work hard on for a set amount of time, finish, and then sit back and admire.
Bodybuilding is an ongoing, lifelong process filled with ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks, peaks and recessions. You're never finished working. There is no point B. It takes hard, focused effort to build muscle, and it takes hard, focused effort to maintain it.
Hard work in the gym and dedication to your eating plan is a continual price you must pay in exchange for the dream body you want to build or maintain.
So if you're getting ready to begin a bodybuilding program or have been training for some time now, you must sit back and make some realizations about your awaiting/continuing journey.
You must realize that no journey is perfect.
If you're expecting to eat and train consistently without any problems or setbacks, you're in for a huge disappointment. Those who expect perfection from their programs are doomed for frustration, because a perfect program does not exist.
This is one of the fine lines that separates the champions from the wannabes; the line that separates those who experience long term success from those who die and fall off along the way. You must treat your setbacks as an inevitable part of the entire muscle-building process.
Sometimes you'll be at your peak and will be marching your way to new grounds of success, and other times your progress will be receding and moving backwards because of various factors, many of which will be beyond your control.
All kinds of bumps in the road will present themselves along the way…
There will be times when you catch a cold or flu and lose 10 pounds.
There will be times when you go on vacation and have limited access to a gym or to proper bodybuilding foods.
There will be times where you are struck down with an injury and will have to take time away from the gym.
There will be times where you skip meals.
There will be times where you skip workouts.
There will be times when you give in to temptations that will harm your bodybuilding progress.
There will be times when your motivation dips down and you'll question your entire purpose and whether or not the whole bodybuilding thing is even worth it.
This is the reality of it all, and as a serious natural bodybuilder for many years I can say with certainty that all of the above scenarios have presented themselves to me on many, many occasions.
The difference between a successful bodybuilder and an unsuccessful one is in the way that they handle adversity.
Both your progress and motivation will rise and fall along the way, but will you make a stand and accept these swings for what they are, and continue training hard despite them? Or will you piss and pout and toss in the towel when things don't go your way?
You must accept that no journey is perfect. You are a human being, and you will make blunders along the way.
Whether or not you choose to accept and implement this way of thinking will make the difference between long term success and failure.
Successful lifters get thrown into holes and dig themselves out. Unsuccessful lifters get discouraged and remain buried.
After years and years of training, I've seen more people come and go in the gym than I could possibly begin to count. But despite this, I'm still here.
Will you be?
If you've got what it takes to make a stand and take control of your body, visit my website below for details on how you can accomplish this as quickly and efficiently as possible using a simple, step-by-step system I've devised over many years of successful training in the gym…
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding expert, fitness author and writer of top-selling Internet Bodybuilding E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. If you want to learn how to build maximum lean muscle mass and strength as quickly as possible, visit his
8 Sure-Fire Mental Techniques For Blocking Out Training Discomfort
8 Sure-Fire Mental Techniques For
Blocking Out Training Discomfort
Let’s face it; intense weight training is no easy task. It’s no secret that if you want to see dramatic results in both muscle size and strength, you must be willing to push yourself to the limit every time you enter the gym.
This is one of the biggest reasons why most people don’t see the muscle-building results they desire; they just plain don’t train hard enough. And why don’t they? Here’s why…
It’s painful. It’s uncomfortable. It’s downright gut wrenching.
Too bad, so sad, my friend, because if you want real muscle gains then you’ll have to rise above and conquer the natural feeling of pain that is associated with intense sessions in the gym.
Luckily there are a few special techniques you can use to “mentally numb” these feelings and to blast through the pain barriers that separate you from the gains you deserve. Give some of the following methods a try and I think you’ll be pleased with the results:
1) Life-Threatening Situations - In the middle of your set, transport yourself to a life-or-death situation where your life or someone else's life depends on your ability to move the weight. For example, when performing chin-ups you could pretend that you are hanging from a cliff, or while deadlifting you could imagine that you are rescuing someone who is trapped underneath a car.
2) Magnetic Force - Pretend that the weights you are using are powerful magnets that are being attracted in the opposite direction. If you're performing a bench press, imagine that the bar is a magnet being attracted to the ceiling.
3) Envision Your Muscles - Remember that your purpose in the gym is to break down your muscle fibers in order to trigger an adaptive response from your body. While performing your sets, visualize what is happening inside of your muscle tissue. Imagine the fibers tearing and being engorged with blood and nutrients and realize that these processes will equate to muscular growth.
4) Have Someone Watch You - I'm not talking about using a spotter here, I'm simply talking about having a friend or training partner watch you perform your set. We usually tend to push ourselves harder when we know that someone is watching.
5) Positive/Negative Force - For pushing exercises, imagine that you are moving something negative away from yourself. You can associate anything with this: someone you don't like, a negative emotion or something material. For pulling exercises, imagine that you are bringing something positive towards yourself. It could be money, someone you love or a positive feeling.
6) Set Ridiculous Goals - If you need to perform 7 reps on a given set, imagine that your goal is to perform 100. Don't just tell yourself this; believe it. As you begin to perform your set, truly convince yourself that you will perform 100 reps.
7) Close Your Eyes - This should only be applied on certain exercises that are very simple to perform. You definitely wouldn't want to employ this technique when squatting or deadlifting. On other, simpler exercises, try closing your eyes. This will block out all of your visual stimuli and will allow you to focus 100% on performing the exercise.
8) Pretend It's Not Your Pain - Training to failure is physically discomforting. While you are approaching muscular failure, pretend that the pain you are experiencing is also being felt by someone that you dislike. The harder you push, the more pain you will transfer to them. It may seem like a cold-blooded technique, but it works.
If you're ready to put these techniques to use in the gym, click the link below and visit my website. I'll teach you several more of these psychological strategies and will provide you with a step-by-step workout plan that you can follow...
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding author, dedicated trainer and writer of top-selling Internet Muscle-Building E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. Learn why 95% of trainees in the gym will NEVER see any significant results by visiting his website:
Blocking Out Training Discomfort
Let’s face it; intense weight training is no easy task. It’s no secret that if you want to see dramatic results in both muscle size and strength, you must be willing to push yourself to the limit every time you enter the gym.
This is one of the biggest reasons why most people don’t see the muscle-building results they desire; they just plain don’t train hard enough. And why don’t they? Here’s why…
It’s painful. It’s uncomfortable. It’s downright gut wrenching.
Too bad, so sad, my friend, because if you want real muscle gains then you’ll have to rise above and conquer the natural feeling of pain that is associated with intense sessions in the gym.
Luckily there are a few special techniques you can use to “mentally numb” these feelings and to blast through the pain barriers that separate you from the gains you deserve. Give some of the following methods a try and I think you’ll be pleased with the results:
1) Life-Threatening Situations - In the middle of your set, transport yourself to a life-or-death situation where your life or someone else's life depends on your ability to move the weight. For example, when performing chin-ups you could pretend that you are hanging from a cliff, or while deadlifting you could imagine that you are rescuing someone who is trapped underneath a car.
2) Magnetic Force - Pretend that the weights you are using are powerful magnets that are being attracted in the opposite direction. If you're performing a bench press, imagine that the bar is a magnet being attracted to the ceiling.
3) Envision Your Muscles - Remember that your purpose in the gym is to break down your muscle fibers in order to trigger an adaptive response from your body. While performing your sets, visualize what is happening inside of your muscle tissue. Imagine the fibers tearing and being engorged with blood and nutrients and realize that these processes will equate to muscular growth.
4) Have Someone Watch You - I'm not talking about using a spotter here, I'm simply talking about having a friend or training partner watch you perform your set. We usually tend to push ourselves harder when we know that someone is watching.
5) Positive/Negative Force - For pushing exercises, imagine that you are moving something negative away from yourself. You can associate anything with this: someone you don't like, a negative emotion or something material. For pulling exercises, imagine that you are bringing something positive towards yourself. It could be money, someone you love or a positive feeling.
6) Set Ridiculous Goals - If you need to perform 7 reps on a given set, imagine that your goal is to perform 100. Don't just tell yourself this; believe it. As you begin to perform your set, truly convince yourself that you will perform 100 reps.
7) Close Your Eyes - This should only be applied on certain exercises that are very simple to perform. You definitely wouldn't want to employ this technique when squatting or deadlifting. On other, simpler exercises, try closing your eyes. This will block out all of your visual stimuli and will allow you to focus 100% on performing the exercise.
8) Pretend It's Not Your Pain - Training to failure is physically discomforting. While you are approaching muscular failure, pretend that the pain you are experiencing is also being felt by someone that you dislike. The harder you push, the more pain you will transfer to them. It may seem like a cold-blooded technique, but it works.
If you're ready to put these techniques to use in the gym, click the link below and visit my website. I'll teach you several more of these psychological strategies and will provide you with a step-by-step workout plan that you can follow...
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding author, dedicated trainer and writer of top-selling Internet Muscle-Building E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. Learn why 95% of trainees in the gym will NEVER see any significant results by visiting his website:
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From Skinny To Muscular: My Bodybuilding Journey
From Skinny To Muscular:
My Bodybuilding Journey
If there was ever one thing that I wanted to change about myself, it was my body. At a mere 125 pounds I felt insecure, weak, and would do just about anything to pack some muscle onto my skinny frame. I would look at other guys and think, "why can't I just feel average?" Forget being strong and muscular, I just wanted to feel like I wasn't a toothpick compared to everyone else.
I probably took things too far, and maybe I wasn't as thin as I imagined, but it didn't matter. In my eyes I was nothing. Afraid to show my arms, or take my shirt off, my confidence was down in the dumps.
...But then it happened. One day when I was looking in the mirror, I realized just how unhappy I was with the way I looked. I realized that I could never be truly happy on the inside until I was happy with myself on the outside. Something inside of head just sort of "snapped".
It was as if my mind had taken a 180 degree turn.
It was on that very day that I decided it was time to change. This time I meant business. No more sitting around whining to myself and complaining about my small frame; it was time to put all the talk aside and get to work.
Talking builds no muscles.
No matter how difficult it was, how long it took, or how many obstacles came my way, I was going to change. I was going to get huge, and there was nothing that would stop me. It was there that my journey from point A to point B began.
After filling my head with every possible piece of bodybuilding literature I could get my hands on, I started putting the techniques to use. After several months of trial and error experimention, I was finally able to narrow it down and figure out what worked and what didn't.
It was really hard at first, but I stuck with it. There were many times when working out would be the last thing I felt like doing, but it didn't matter; I dragged my ass to the gym and lifted. I remembered the promise that I had made to myself, and that was all I needed to keep going.
I started gaining weight. After the first few months I'd put on a solid, muscular 15 pounds. My hard work and persistence was already paying off.
So I pressed on.
I kept on training and I kept on eating. I refused to be defeated; to give up and go back to the way I was. Workout after workout, week after week, month after month, and I was still training. Sure, I experienced bumps in the road. Inevitably there were obstacles, but I rose above them. When I felt like it was time to pack it in, I dug down deep and kept going. I wasn't going to quit no matter how tough it was.
I did the things that I hated doing the most in order to reach my goals. Training when I wanted to sleep, eating when I wanted to rest, going to bed when I wanted to stay awake. I watched as months went by, and my size continued to improve. I was finally walking around with my head up high. I kept on training and I kept on improving.
There was no letting up.
Even to this day, I'm still training, and I'm still improving. I can truly say that bodybuilding has been the greatest choice I've ever made in my entire life. It has changed me from the inside out.
I am now confident with the way I look. I don't hide behind baggy clothes anymore, nor am I reluctant to take my shirt off. I feel strong, powerful and healthy. My life has completely changed for the better. Words cannot describe the feeling of being in great shape. I now know that I am able to set a goal and reach it.
If you're thinking about getting into bodybuilding or if you're just starting out, one piece of advice I can give you is do not quit. No matter what happens, do NOT quit. Bodybuilding will do so much for you, and you will be eternally grateful if you continue.
There is nothing like it.
It teaches self-discipline, builds character and pushes you to your utmost limits. There is just so much you will get in return, I can't even tell you.
If you're ready to take a stand and finally achieve the powerful, muscular body you desire, visit my website by clicking the link below. I'll show you exactly how I did it, and how you can follow the same path...
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding author, dedicated trainer and writer of top-selling Internet Muscle-Building E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. Learn why 95% of trainees in the gym will NEVER see any significant results by visiting his website:
My Bodybuilding Journey
If there was ever one thing that I wanted to change about myself, it was my body. At a mere 125 pounds I felt insecure, weak, and would do just about anything to pack some muscle onto my skinny frame. I would look at other guys and think, "why can't I just feel average?" Forget being strong and muscular, I just wanted to feel like I wasn't a toothpick compared to everyone else.
I probably took things too far, and maybe I wasn't as thin as I imagined, but it didn't matter. In my eyes I was nothing. Afraid to show my arms, or take my shirt off, my confidence was down in the dumps.
...But then it happened. One day when I was looking in the mirror, I realized just how unhappy I was with the way I looked. I realized that I could never be truly happy on the inside until I was happy with myself on the outside. Something inside of head just sort of "snapped".
It was as if my mind had taken a 180 degree turn.
It was on that very day that I decided it was time to change. This time I meant business. No more sitting around whining to myself and complaining about my small frame; it was time to put all the talk aside and get to work.
Talking builds no muscles.
No matter how difficult it was, how long it took, or how many obstacles came my way, I was going to change. I was going to get huge, and there was nothing that would stop me. It was there that my journey from point A to point B began.
After filling my head with every possible piece of bodybuilding literature I could get my hands on, I started putting the techniques to use. After several months of trial and error experimention, I was finally able to narrow it down and figure out what worked and what didn't.
It was really hard at first, but I stuck with it. There were many times when working out would be the last thing I felt like doing, but it didn't matter; I dragged my ass to the gym and lifted. I remembered the promise that I had made to myself, and that was all I needed to keep going.
I started gaining weight. After the first few months I'd put on a solid, muscular 15 pounds. My hard work and persistence was already paying off.
So I pressed on.
I kept on training and I kept on eating. I refused to be defeated; to give up and go back to the way I was. Workout after workout, week after week, month after month, and I was still training. Sure, I experienced bumps in the road. Inevitably there were obstacles, but I rose above them. When I felt like it was time to pack it in, I dug down deep and kept going. I wasn't going to quit no matter how tough it was.
I did the things that I hated doing the most in order to reach my goals. Training when I wanted to sleep, eating when I wanted to rest, going to bed when I wanted to stay awake. I watched as months went by, and my size continued to improve. I was finally walking around with my head up high. I kept on training and I kept on improving.
There was no letting up.
Even to this day, I'm still training, and I'm still improving. I can truly say that bodybuilding has been the greatest choice I've ever made in my entire life. It has changed me from the inside out.
I am now confident with the way I look. I don't hide behind baggy clothes anymore, nor am I reluctant to take my shirt off. I feel strong, powerful and healthy. My life has completely changed for the better. Words cannot describe the feeling of being in great shape. I now know that I am able to set a goal and reach it.
If you're thinking about getting into bodybuilding or if you're just starting out, one piece of advice I can give you is do not quit. No matter what happens, do NOT quit. Bodybuilding will do so much for you, and you will be eternally grateful if you continue.
There is nothing like it.
It teaches self-discipline, builds character and pushes you to your utmost limits. There is just so much you will get in return, I can't even tell you.
If you're ready to take a stand and finally achieve the powerful, muscular body you desire, visit my website by clicking the link below. I'll show you exactly how I did it, and how you can follow the same path...
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding author, dedicated trainer and writer of top-selling Internet Muscle-Building E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. Learn why 95% of trainees in the gym will NEVER see any significant results by visiting his website:
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body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
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dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
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dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
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Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
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dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
how to increase muscle mass anthony ellis "anthony ellis" weight gain program weight gain programs Muscle Building Workout Muscle Building Workouts build lean muscle shawn lebrun "shawn lebrun" muscle growth tip
Muscle Building Workout muscle gain tips build muscle tips gain weight and muscle 6 pack deca deca steroid jpg schwarzenegger abdominals
dexter Jackson Dexter Jackson workout link senior abs diagram links sex anadrol diet machine andro drink machines androstendione equipment drug magazine shawn ray anorexia drugs pregnancy pregnant medication shirt arnold medicine soccer ast movies sponsor athlete mpeg sponsored athletic mpg sponsorship avi mr olympia steroids banners field muscletech strength bar flex news stretch bars flexing npc stretches baseball food nude stretching basketball
body-building tips natural body building weight lifting workout weightlifting workout muscle program body building book body building e-book weight lifting tip weight lifting program gain muscle mass how to gain muscle mass muscle building program "muscle-building program"
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Monday, January 29, 2007
2 Simple Steps To Ripped, Shredded Muscles
2 Simple Steps To Ripped,
Shredded Muscles
Picture this scenario...
You've been training your tail off for the past 4 months, trying to pack on as much muscle size as you possibly can. You've bulked up considerably and are quite happy with the size you've been able to achieve.
There's just one problem...
Along with all of that solid, lean muscle you've gained, you notice that you've also packed on some excess body fat in the process.
Let's face it, no matter how "huge" you might be, no one wants to be walking around with a soft, smooth and flabby body. After most trainees have finished their "bulking" phase, they decide that it's time to "cut down" and strip off the excess body fat that they gained due to their high calorie, muscle-building diet.
How do they usually go about this?
They lighten up the weights and perform higher reps.
This has always been a widely accepted method of “cutting down” and if you ask most trainers in the gym they’ll tell you that “heavy weights bulk up the muscle and lighter weights define the muscle”.
Do you want to know the reality behind the “light weight and high reps” method of obtaining a ripped and defined physique?
It is completely, totally and utterly DEAD WRONG.
It couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, there is no logical basis for this way of training whatsoever, and whoever dreamt up this downright ridiculous way of thinking has caused the vast majority of lifters to waste their time and impede their progress in the gym.
Let me clear this up once and for all: you CANNOT spot reduce. In other words, it is physically impossible to target fat loss from a specific area on your body. Performing bench presses with light resistance and high repetitions will not magically burn fat off of your chest or cause it to appear harder and more defined.
Every single time you wrap your hands around a barbell, dumbbell or cable, your goal is to stimulate as much muscle growth as you possibly can. There are no special, secret weightlifting exercises that will “define” your muscles or cause them to become more “ripped”.
Training with weights builds muscle mass, end of story.
So how exactly do you “define” a muscle?
The only way to “define” a muscle is by lowering your body fat percentage in order to make your muscles more visible. Body fat reduction can be achieved in two ways:
1) Modify your diet.
You'll need to create a slight caloric deficit within your body to stimulate the fat burning process. This can usually be achieved by lowering your overall caloric intake to around 12-14x your bodyweight and focusing on consuming smaller meals more frequently throughout the day.This will keep your metabolism naturally raised at all times and will keep your body in a constant fat burning state.
2) Perform proper cardio workouts.
Let go of the traditional method of moderate intensity cardio in 30-45 minute durations. If you want to maximize your body’s fat burning capacity and also minimize the muscle loss that inevitably accompanies a fat burning cycle, focus on shorter, 15-minute cardio workouts performed 3-5 times per week at a high level of intensity.
That’s all there is to it, folks. Take the notion of “light weight and higher reps” and throw it right out the window, down the street and around the corner. Following this misguided method will only cause you to lose muscle mass and strength, and will not assist you in burning fat or defining your physique.
If you're looking for the complete inside scoop on maximizing your muscle gains and lowering your body fat levels, check out my website by clicking the link below. You'll have a chance to download my 250-page e-book "The Truth About Building Muscle" as well as a special fat burning course entitled "Metabolic Blast".
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding expert, fitness author and writer of top-selling Internet Bodybuilding E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. If you want to learn how to build the greatest amount of lean muscle mass and strength possible in the shortest period of time, visit his website:
Shredded Muscles
Picture this scenario...
You've been training your tail off for the past 4 months, trying to pack on as much muscle size as you possibly can. You've bulked up considerably and are quite happy with the size you've been able to achieve.
There's just one problem...
Along with all of that solid, lean muscle you've gained, you notice that you've also packed on some excess body fat in the process.
Let's face it, no matter how "huge" you might be, no one wants to be walking around with a soft, smooth and flabby body. After most trainees have finished their "bulking" phase, they decide that it's time to "cut down" and strip off the excess body fat that they gained due to their high calorie, muscle-building diet.
How do they usually go about this?
They lighten up the weights and perform higher reps.
This has always been a widely accepted method of “cutting down” and if you ask most trainers in the gym they’ll tell you that “heavy weights bulk up the muscle and lighter weights define the muscle”.
Do you want to know the reality behind the “light weight and high reps” method of obtaining a ripped and defined physique?
It is completely, totally and utterly DEAD WRONG.
It couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, there is no logical basis for this way of training whatsoever, and whoever dreamt up this downright ridiculous way of thinking has caused the vast majority of lifters to waste their time and impede their progress in the gym.
Let me clear this up once and for all: you CANNOT spot reduce. In other words, it is physically impossible to target fat loss from a specific area on your body. Performing bench presses with light resistance and high repetitions will not magically burn fat off of your chest or cause it to appear harder and more defined.
Every single time you wrap your hands around a barbell, dumbbell or cable, your goal is to stimulate as much muscle growth as you possibly can. There are no special, secret weightlifting exercises that will “define” your muscles or cause them to become more “ripped”.
Training with weights builds muscle mass, end of story.
So how exactly do you “define” a muscle?
The only way to “define” a muscle is by lowering your body fat percentage in order to make your muscles more visible. Body fat reduction can be achieved in two ways:
1) Modify your diet.
You'll need to create a slight caloric deficit within your body to stimulate the fat burning process. This can usually be achieved by lowering your overall caloric intake to around 12-14x your bodyweight and focusing on consuming smaller meals more frequently throughout the day.This will keep your metabolism naturally raised at all times and will keep your body in a constant fat burning state.
2) Perform proper cardio workouts.
Let go of the traditional method of moderate intensity cardio in 30-45 minute durations. If you want to maximize your body’s fat burning capacity and also minimize the muscle loss that inevitably accompanies a fat burning cycle, focus on shorter, 15-minute cardio workouts performed 3-5 times per week at a high level of intensity.
That’s all there is to it, folks. Take the notion of “light weight and higher reps” and throw it right out the window, down the street and around the corner. Following this misguided method will only cause you to lose muscle mass and strength, and will not assist you in burning fat or defining your physique.
If you're looking for the complete inside scoop on maximizing your muscle gains and lowering your body fat levels, check out my website by clicking the link below. You'll have a chance to download my 250-page e-book "The Truth About Building Muscle" as well as a special fat burning course entitled "Metabolic Blast".
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding expert, fitness author and writer of top-selling Internet Bodybuilding E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. If you want to learn how to build the greatest amount of lean muscle mass and strength possible in the shortest period of time, visit his website:
Why Your Muscle Pumps Have Nothing To Do With Your Muscle Gains
Why Your Muscle Pumps Have Nothing To Do With Your Muscle Gains
Your back is firmly planted on the bench as you wrap your chalked hands around the cold, steel bar. Your training partner helps you un-rack the weight as you power the bar up and down, squeezing your chest and triceps on each grueling rep. You complete your 6 repetitions, re-rack the bar and stand up.
Your chest feels tight and engorged with blood. You take a look in the mirror, thrilled with how full and vascular your pecs appear. You feel strong, powerful, healthy and motivated to blast through the rest of your workout with your newly achieved “pump”.
Let’s face it, a pump feels incredible. For those of you who aren’t quite sure what I’m talking about, a pump is the feeling that you get as blood becomes trapped inside your muscle tissue as a result of resistance training. The muscles will swell up and increase in size, vascularity and tightness.
There is certainly nothing wrong with achieving a pump in the gym, and it is simply a natural result of intense weight training. However, contrary to what the majority of weightlifters may think, a pump is in no way indicative of a successful workout. Anyone who uses the intensity of their pump as a gauge for the effectiveness of their workout is making a costly error.
On countless occasions I've heard lifters raving about the massive pumps they get in the gym as they share methods for achieving the best pump possible. "Dude, this will give you a crazy pump!" If you have already been working out for a decent amount of time then you know exactly what I'm talking about. While a pump does feel extremely satisfying, just remember that it means very little in terms of muscle stimulation and growth.
A pump is simply the result of extra blood within the muscle tissue. Think of it this way: if I took a pair of 10 pound dumbbells and performed 300 reps of a bench press movement, I would achieve an incredible pump. If muscle pumps meant muscle growth, then super light weight, ultra high rep programs would be the most effective way to grow. Any serious lifter with half a brain knows that this simply is not the case.
Do you want to know how to truly gauge the success of a workout? Here it is…
Take your workout records (in terms of weight and reps) from the previous week and compare it to the current week. Did you improve? Were you able to either increase the resistance slightly on each exercise, or perform an extra rep or two?
If so, you had a successful workout, regardless of how much blood you were able to pump into your muscle tissue.
Building muscle mass and strength is all about training with 100% intensity on every given set and then striving to improve from week to week. If you are able to consistently achieve this, your muscle size and strength will increase faster than you ever thought possible, with or without a pump.
I hope this article cleared up your confusion on the issue of "muscle pumps". There's so much misleading muscle-building information circling around on the Internet these days that it can sometimes be impossible to know who to listen to. If you want to learn the truth about 14 other common, counterproductive "myths", visit my webste below for details.
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding author, dedicated trainer and writer of top-selling Internet Muscle-Building E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. Learn why 95% of trainees in the gym will NEVER see any significant results by visiting his website:
Your back is firmly planted on the bench as you wrap your chalked hands around the cold, steel bar. Your training partner helps you un-rack the weight as you power the bar up and down, squeezing your chest and triceps on each grueling rep. You complete your 6 repetitions, re-rack the bar and stand up.
Your chest feels tight and engorged with blood. You take a look in the mirror, thrilled with how full and vascular your pecs appear. You feel strong, powerful, healthy and motivated to blast through the rest of your workout with your newly achieved “pump”.
Let’s face it, a pump feels incredible. For those of you who aren’t quite sure what I’m talking about, a pump is the feeling that you get as blood becomes trapped inside your muscle tissue as a result of resistance training. The muscles will swell up and increase in size, vascularity and tightness.
There is certainly nothing wrong with achieving a pump in the gym, and it is simply a natural result of intense weight training. However, contrary to what the majority of weightlifters may think, a pump is in no way indicative of a successful workout. Anyone who uses the intensity of their pump as a gauge for the effectiveness of their workout is making a costly error.
On countless occasions I've heard lifters raving about the massive pumps they get in the gym as they share methods for achieving the best pump possible. "Dude, this will give you a crazy pump!" If you have already been working out for a decent amount of time then you know exactly what I'm talking about. While a pump does feel extremely satisfying, just remember that it means very little in terms of muscle stimulation and growth.
A pump is simply the result of extra blood within the muscle tissue. Think of it this way: if I took a pair of 10 pound dumbbells and performed 300 reps of a bench press movement, I would achieve an incredible pump. If muscle pumps meant muscle growth, then super light weight, ultra high rep programs would be the most effective way to grow. Any serious lifter with half a brain knows that this simply is not the case.
Do you want to know how to truly gauge the success of a workout? Here it is…
Take your workout records (in terms of weight and reps) from the previous week and compare it to the current week. Did you improve? Were you able to either increase the resistance slightly on each exercise, or perform an extra rep or two?
If so, you had a successful workout, regardless of how much blood you were able to pump into your muscle tissue.
Building muscle mass and strength is all about training with 100% intensity on every given set and then striving to improve from week to week. If you are able to consistently achieve this, your muscle size and strength will increase faster than you ever thought possible, with or without a pump.
I hope this article cleared up your confusion on the issue of "muscle pumps". There's so much misleading muscle-building information circling around on the Internet these days that it can sometimes be impossible to know who to listen to. If you want to learn the truth about 14 other common, counterproductive "myths", visit my webste below for details.
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding author, dedicated trainer and writer of top-selling Internet Muscle-Building E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. Learn why 95% of trainees in the gym will NEVER see any significant results by visiting his website:
Multivitamins: A Necessary Muscle-Building Supplement Or A Waste Of Cash?
Multivitamins: A Necessary Muscle-Building Supplement Or A Waste Of Cash?
One of the most currently debated issues in the supplement industry is in relation to the consumption of multivitamins and the role that they play in enhancing overall health both in and out of the gym.
Can bodybuilders benefit by supplementing with extra vitamins and minerals? Let's review some basic biology as well as the function of each specific vitamin in order to find the answer...
In the grand scheme of things, your body is basically one giant mass of chemical reactions. Each of these individual reactions is fueled by small proteins called enzymes, which work by lowering the amount of energy that is needed for a specific reaction to occur. Enzymes require the use of a "co-enzyme" which alters its shape and allows it to perform its job properly. Co-enzymes are also referred to as vitamins.
So when it all comes down it, vitamins are needed to fuel the thousands of chemical reactions going on within your body at all times. Not only does this play an important role in overall metabolism and body health, but it also plays a vital part in the muscle-building process.
Here is a list of the major vitamins and the ways in which they will aid you both in and out of the gym...
Vitamin A - Is crucial to the process of protein synthesis where individual amino acids are combined to form new muscle tissue. It also helps the body to produce glycogen, the stored form of carbohydrates within the body.
Vitamin B1 - Also known as "thiamine" and is heavily involved in protein metabolism as well as the production of hemoglobin which helps to carry oxygen around the body.
Vitamin B2 - Also known as "riboflavin" and aids in the fat burning process as well as helping the body to produce energy from carbohydrates.
Vitamin B3 - Also known as "niacin" and increases vasodilation within the muscle tissue, helping you to appear fuller and more vascular.
Vitamin B6 - Also known as "pyridoxine" and is very important because of its effect on protein digestion. Muscle-building diets require larger than normal amounts of protein, and this means that your body needs a higher amount of vitamin B6 than the average Joe.
Vitamin B12 - Also known as "cobalamin", vitamin b12 ensures that the brain and muscle tissue are communicating efficiently and this has a direct effect on muscle growth and coordination.
Biotin - Helps the body metabolize amino acids and produce energy during workouts.
Vitamin C - Heavily involved in amino acid metabolism and the formation of collagen. Collagen is found in your connective tissue and keeps your joints strong and healthy. Vitamin C also plays a role in the production of steroid hormones in the body and also enhances the absorption of iron. On top of all of this, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which flushes out free radicals and prevents damage to your body cells.
Vitamin D - Helps the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus more efficiently. Calcium is very important during muscle contractions and also helps to maintain strong bones and joints. Phosphorus is involved in the synthesis of ATP, the usable form of energy within the body.
Vitamin E - A very powerful antioxidant which helps to hunt out and neutralize free radicals. This will help to flush out many of the natural metabolic waste products your body produces and maintain the health of your cell membranes.
As you can clearly see above, vitamins play a very important role when it comes to building muscle and gaining strength. Hard training bodybuilders certainly require higher amounts of these vitamins than the average sedentary Joe, as these vitamins are depleted during intense sessions in the gym. In addition, a calorie-dense diet requires a higher intake of vitamins to aid in the digestion process. In fact, being deficient in just one vitamin can literally affect thousands of small process within the body.
So, are multivitamins necessary for bodybuilders?
From protein synthesis to energy metabolism to digestion to vasodilation, multivitamins should be an important part of any effective supplementation plan.
For an honest, unbiased review of over 20 of the most popular muscle-building supplements on the market today, visit my website by clicking the link below. You'll learn which supplements are worth your money and which are no more than pure marketing hype...
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding expert, fitness author and writer of top-selling Internet Bodybuilding E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. If you want to learn how to build maximum lean muscle mass and strength as quickly as possible, visit his website: www.musclegaintruth.com
One of the most currently debated issues in the supplement industry is in relation to the consumption of multivitamins and the role that they play in enhancing overall health both in and out of the gym.
Can bodybuilders benefit by supplementing with extra vitamins and minerals? Let's review some basic biology as well as the function of each specific vitamin in order to find the answer...
In the grand scheme of things, your body is basically one giant mass of chemical reactions. Each of these individual reactions is fueled by small proteins called enzymes, which work by lowering the amount of energy that is needed for a specific reaction to occur. Enzymes require the use of a "co-enzyme" which alters its shape and allows it to perform its job properly. Co-enzymes are also referred to as vitamins.
So when it all comes down it, vitamins are needed to fuel the thousands of chemical reactions going on within your body at all times. Not only does this play an important role in overall metabolism and body health, but it also plays a vital part in the muscle-building process.
Here is a list of the major vitamins and the ways in which they will aid you both in and out of the gym...
Vitamin A - Is crucial to the process of protein synthesis where individual amino acids are combined to form new muscle tissue. It also helps the body to produce glycogen, the stored form of carbohydrates within the body.
Vitamin B1 - Also known as "thiamine" and is heavily involved in protein metabolism as well as the production of hemoglobin which helps to carry oxygen around the body.
Vitamin B2 - Also known as "riboflavin" and aids in the fat burning process as well as helping the body to produce energy from carbohydrates.
Vitamin B3 - Also known as "niacin" and increases vasodilation within the muscle tissue, helping you to appear fuller and more vascular.
Vitamin B6 - Also known as "pyridoxine" and is very important because of its effect on protein digestion. Muscle-building diets require larger than normal amounts of protein, and this means that your body needs a higher amount of vitamin B6 than the average Joe.
Vitamin B12 - Also known as "cobalamin", vitamin b12 ensures that the brain and muscle tissue are communicating efficiently and this has a direct effect on muscle growth and coordination.
Biotin - Helps the body metabolize amino acids and produce energy during workouts.
Vitamin C - Heavily involved in amino acid metabolism and the formation of collagen. Collagen is found in your connective tissue and keeps your joints strong and healthy. Vitamin C also plays a role in the production of steroid hormones in the body and also enhances the absorption of iron. On top of all of this, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which flushes out free radicals and prevents damage to your body cells.
Vitamin D - Helps the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus more efficiently. Calcium is very important during muscle contractions and also helps to maintain strong bones and joints. Phosphorus is involved in the synthesis of ATP, the usable form of energy within the body.
Vitamin E - A very powerful antioxidant which helps to hunt out and neutralize free radicals. This will help to flush out many of the natural metabolic waste products your body produces and maintain the health of your cell membranes.
As you can clearly see above, vitamins play a very important role when it comes to building muscle and gaining strength. Hard training bodybuilders certainly require higher amounts of these vitamins than the average sedentary Joe, as these vitamins are depleted during intense sessions in the gym. In addition, a calorie-dense diet requires a higher intake of vitamins to aid in the digestion process. In fact, being deficient in just one vitamin can literally affect thousands of small process within the body.
So, are multivitamins necessary for bodybuilders?
From protein synthesis to energy metabolism to digestion to vasodilation, multivitamins should be an important part of any effective supplementation plan.
For an honest, unbiased review of over 20 of the most popular muscle-building supplements on the market today, visit my website by clicking the link below. You'll learn which supplements are worth your money and which are no more than pure marketing hype...
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding expert, fitness author and writer of top-selling Internet Bodybuilding E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. If you want to learn how to build maximum lean muscle mass and strength as quickly as possible, visit his website: www.musclegaintruth.com
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